Tree Legends

'Family Tree', Linda Belden
Family Tree, 39”x21”, free-motion embroidery, hand stitching on muslin
'Family Tree (detail)' - Linda Belden
Family Tree (detail), 39”x21”, free-motion embroidery, hand stitching on muslin
Linda Belden - 'Giant Sequoia'
'Giant Sequoia', 10”x14”, stitching with embroidery thread on muslin
Linda Belden - 'Douglas Fir'
'Douglas Fir', 9"x12", stitching with embroidery thread on muslin
Linda Belden-'Patric's Olive Tree'
'Patric's Olive Tree', 12"x12", embroidery thread on muslin
Linda Belden - 'Monterey Pine'
'Monterey Pine', 12"x12", embroidery thread on muslin
'Leaf Life' - Linda Belden
'Leaf Life' - 24”x36”, free motion embroidery with sewing thread
'Leaf Life' (detail) - Linda Belden
'Leaf Life' (detail) - 24”x36”, free motion embroidery with sewing thread
'Forest as Family' - Linda Belden
Forest as Family, 27”x21”, free-motion and hand stitching
'Forest as Family (detail) - Linda Belden
Forest as Family (detail), 27”x21”, Free-motion and hand stitching
Linda Belden - 'Plant a Tree'
Plant a Tree, 30”x20”, Free-motion embroidery on linen